This is an article posted on Rediff after the Sri Lankan cricket team was attacked in Pakistan. WTFness at many levels:
1) "They are the same people who attacked Mumbai" - The ghosts of the 9 killed and 1 alive Kasab escaped from custody to carry out this attack?
2) "Pakistan Punjab governor Salmaan Tahseer, Governor of Pakistan's Punjab province on Tuesday, said the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team's bus in Lahore [Images] was similar to the Mumbai's 26/11 attack" - wtf. 250 people v/s 4 people killed. Mumbai was a suicide mission while this was a hit and run
3) "Around 180 people were killed in Mumbai last November" - 180? Really? Close to 250...
4) Rediff printing it the way it is....
Yes Satya, this is a conspiracy against Pakistan :)
isn't it always? :-)
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