The humgama around the outsourcing to India is on the US presidential agenda. US being the only benchmark for us Indians, it(outsourcing) must be important. After BPO's, KPO's it seems that all bandhs, dharnas, strikes etc in the US are going to be outsourced to the Left in W.Bengal (kidding). But India is paying back in its own way. The latest being the Washington Redskins' cheerleaders (top) for the Bangalore IPL team. Yea you heard right....our urge to ape the west has actually worked in our favour for once. Though this does not tip the scale in anyway, its a start.
i say bring it on...we`ve been the bloody dumping grounds for hazardous waste and toxic matter for years now...its time we start taking in the actual WHITE TRASH (the cheer leaders are just a start)
we`ll only stop when we have the best basket-ball team in the world...i see kobe, lebron james and vince on offensive for the pune warriors...i`ll be the coach
unfortunately 'bringing it on' as ranjit says seems to have only one way of being realized- through exploitation of women. Somehow that never seems to bother anyone- as long as the women are not 'our own' it is fine, else the honour of our culture is at stake! Such crap!
We can surely find different ways of telling the West (that we have always been so obsequious to) to sod off! Foreign policy, adoption of country centric developmental goals, agriculture and export policies-there is so much more that we can do to let the West know that we have our own identity- then why the hell do we get tickled by 'white trash' being used for our benefit! Why does it always boil down to one thing- dishonoring women!
You sure? I think this is not outsourcing but another missionary move by da white man. After making young Indians slap on layers of make-up to become the next Aish and Sush, the next step is to inculcate the mad desire to become the next 'hot' thing in school for every girl. Since the US is never wrong, I am sure respectable schools will soon (if not already) introduce Cheerleading routines and squads for their annual sports day.
The silver lining: I am sure we will still be the cheapest; expect to see Sumithas and Pammis getting H1B to cheer for the Lakers shortly...
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